
Sadly, I’m promoted

Two months ago I was promoted to a higher position for the construction company I work for. Before you all congratulate me, please don’t. I thought a promotion would be …

Adding Electricity

So I’ve had the kennel that I built for a year now! My dogs, a chihuahua and great Dane don’t use the kennel like they were supposed to, but they …

No HR Here

I can’t believe that my workplace doesn’t have a human resources department or even a single person in the role. Every time I bring the issue up, the CEO just …

Brushing Twice Per Day

How on earth do I get my children to brush their teeth twice a day? I struggle to get them to brush their teeth before school in the morning, let …

No Longer Boxing

Grabbing my boxing gloves, I flung myself out the door and jumped in my car. I had been putting it off for some time, but finally, I mustered up the …

Quickest Car Repairs

What a tense race that was! I’m Frank Base, and this is Thomas Gumball, here to give a recap on the first leg of the Tasmanian Racing Tournament. Welcome to …

Gingerbread Office

This year I’m taking the office Christmas party to the next level. I’ve posted a bit about this before, so my apologies if I end up repeating myself a bit, …

Band Breaking Up?

Don’t tell Robbie this, but Sharni and I are thinking about leaving the band. It’s nothing personal. We just think that Concept Artists has really gone off the rails ever …

Painting New Restaurant

I never really thought about how much effort goes into setting up a brand new shop. My first store was in a building that had previously been rented out, so …