Yes, Let’s Talk About Adam Some More

I could buy houses for a living, if I wanted to. I just don’t want to.

So there’s no use bringing up Adam at every single family gathering, because Adam doesn’t even make it to the family gatherings. I’m the one who’s there, and it’s not because I’m unemployed and not busy. I have…stuff brewing. Important stuff, that demands my attention. Adam has a high-paid job and several investment properties, and I have…ideas. So we don’t need to turn the conversation to Adam every fifteen minutes and spend all this time talking about how wonderful he is.

In other, Adam-related news, did you hear about how he just went to hire a property advocate in Melbourne to come in and help him out with a new investment purchase? Oh, you should hear, it’s all over the place and it’s marvellous. See, you know you’ve made it when you can hire someone to scout out potential properties- really nice ones, as well- and report back to you. That Adam really has things sorted if he spends his weekdays being a high-powered business person…or something…and then his weekend is spent chatting to property advocates and getting the scoop on new homes he’s buying.

Yes, a real credit to the family, even though he never sees them. And if they only knew what I was planning! Exciting things! I may only be an amateur inventor at present, but once my first invention strikes it big, I’LL be the one with all the power and homes and possibly a yacht. Maybe I’ll invent a machine that sorts through investment properties, and it’ll revolutionise the field of buyers advocacy in Melbourne and beyond.  I know that sounds like your average search engine, but every invention starts off already existing, until you make it…not existing. And then it exists again, but differently. And it makes so much money that it outstrips your overachieving brother.

Einstein almost certainly said something similar.
